
Friday, January 21, 2022

 Hi again. It's yet another freezing Friday, and the class has been stuck indoors a lot this week. I hope next week is better!

Here's a brief rundown:

In math, we finished up our measurement unit. This week we focused on strategies for finding the area of different shapes, and then of rectangles. We also reviewed perimeter. Today, as a fun bonus, we got to play with protractors and learned how to measure angles. Of course, we continued working in our checkbooks as well. Everyone got paid, everyone paid taxes, and everyone paid rent. They are enjoying this!

In reading, we really worked on how to have deeper book club conversations. We learned about the importance of pushing ourselves to have ideas, and also how important it is to be open to the ideas of your book club peers. Students are writing in their reading journals, and they are even working on collecting evidence from the text to back up their claims!

I am super impressed with the writing that everyone is doing. The opinion writing essay is very structured and forces the students to think about paragraphing. They are writing wonderful essays about sports teams, friendship, seasons, and so much more. Some are even using metaphors to make their writing more meaningful. By the middle of next week, we will be moving onto persuasive writing. Don't be surprised if you get a well-written 5 paragraph essay convincing you to paint a room of your house, get a new pet, or take a vacation. I've seen many essays like that in my years of teaching! This essay unit goes so well with our social issues book clubs and also with our civics unit.

Speaking of civics, this week the class learned about congress, what is meant by democrat and republican, and how a bill becomes a law (complete with "I'm Just a Bill" from Schoolhouse Rock!) Next week they will learn about Vermont's government and we will look at a few actual bills that our legislature is considering. Then we will choose one to debate and write to our congressman/woman about. These students are becoming young activists!

If you haven't already, please remember that I am hoping to collect some "garage sale" items that your children don't want anymore so that we can use the "money" left in our "accounts" for something real. Feel free to begin sending items in anytime!

Here are a few questions you can ask your children this week to spark conversation:

  • Who are Ivan and Stella?
  • What does it  mean when a bill dies in committee?
  • What does the government use our tax money for?
  • What is a right angle?
  • What is your thesis in your opinion essay?
  • What does Ms. Ehtesham take VERY SERIOUSLY?
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Remember, we have SNOW MOTION on Monday morning! Let's hope for some moderating temperatures!

Happy Friday!