
Friday, October 22, 2021

 Hi Families,

It has been a super busy week in the classroom! Since I  just met with most of you to discuss your children, I will keep this brief. We  are still working on all of the same units, so I have nothing terribly new to say!

In math, we are working hard on learning how to multiply larger numbers by 10. Kids have learned to "just add a zero," but I don't accept that because adding a zero to a number doesn't change it! I have taught them that we are simply moving the tens place to the hundreds place, the ones place to the tens place, and then putting a zero in the ones place! This still confuses them, and it would be easy to fall back on the "add a zero" trick, but I think it is more important to have the conceptual understanding of how our number system works. Ask you child what 24 X 10 is. Or 31 X 10. Or any large number by 10. This would be a fun way to entertain yourselves on a car ride, and good practice for them as well!

We are continuing to finish up our reading and writing units. Today the students looked at the 4th grade writing report card so they could see what the expectations are. I gave them each a checklist so they could do some reflecting on their own writing and decide what still needs to be done. Their stories are cute and really coming to life. I can't wait to celebrate their writing the week after next!

During conferences, a few of you mentioned that you are having a hard time getting your kids to read. This week, I am sending home (in the Friday folder) an official HOMEWORK sheet that tells you and your child what needs to be done. The reading log (an expectation) is on the back. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this small change. If your child reads regularly and  you really believe she or he doesn't need the log for accountability, just let me know.

School photos are coming home today. They are beautiful! Please be sure to take them out of your child's backpack before they get ruined.

Many of you also said your child doesn't tell  you a lot about what happens here at school. Here are a few things you can ask them about:

  • Why do maps need a compass rose?
  • Should Sistine and Rob let the tiger go?
  • What is a multiple?
  • What part of your story are you writing? What is your character's main problem
Finally, if you haven't already seen this link to give permission for new Camp Swampy dates, please don't forget to do that soon.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy spending time together!